There are sixteen different zone types to choose from. Each zone has the ability to be programmed as any one of the types listed below.
Zone Types
Zone Type
Zone Type
Delay-1 + Isolated In STAY Mode 1
Delay-2 + Isolated In STAY Mode 1
Delay-3 + Isolated In STAY Mode 1
Delay-4 + Isolated In STAY Mode 1
24 Hour Burglary
24 Hour Fire
Instant + Isolated In STAY Mode 1
Chime Only
Handover + Isolated In STAY Mode 1
Zone Not Used
0 - Instant Zone
An Instant zone will sound the sirens and operate the dialler as soon as it registers as unsealed after the exit time has expired.
1 - Handover Zone
A Handover zone will act as an instant zone if it has been triggered by itself. If a handover zone is triggered after a delay zone, the remaining delay time will handover from the delay zone to the handover zone. Handover may be sequential or random.
2 - Delay-1 Zone
A Delay-1 zone will have a delay time determined by the value in "Entry Timer 1"
3 - Delay-2 Zone
A Delay-2 zone will have a delay time determined by the value in "Entry Timer 2"
4 - Delay-3 Zone
A Delay-3 zone will have a delay time determined by the value in "Entry Timer 3"
5 - Delay-4 Zone
A Delay-4 zone will have a delay time determined by the value in "Entry Timer 4"
6 - Instant Zone + Isolated In STAY Mode 1
This zone will act as an Instant zone when the system is armed in the AWAY Mode, but will be automatically isolated when the system is armed in STAY Mode 1.
7 - Handover Zone + Isolated In STAY Mode 1
This zone will act as a Handover zone when the system is armed in the AWAY Mode, but will be automatically isolated when the system is armed in STAY Mode 1.
8 - Delay-1 Zone + Isolated In STAY Mode 1
This zone will act as a Delay-1 zone when the system is armed in the AWAY Mode, but will be automatically isolated when the system is armed in STAY Mode 1.
9 - Delay-2 Zone + Isolated In STAY Mode 1
This zone will act as a Delay-2 zone when the system is armed in the AWAY Mode, but will be automatically isolated when the system is armed in STAY Mode 1.
10 - Delay-3 Zone + Isolated In STAY Mode 1
This zone will act as a Delay-3 zone when the system is armed in the AWAY Mode, but will be automatically isolated when the system is armed in STAY Mode 1.
11 - Delay-4 Zone + Isolated In STAY Mode 1
This zone will act as a Delay-4 zone when the system is armed in the AWAY Mode, but will be automatically isolated when the system is armed in STAY Mode 1.
12 - 24 Hour Burglary Zone
24 Hour Burglary zone is always ready to trigger the horn speaker, bell and strobe regardless of whether the system is in the armed or disarmed state.
13 - 24 Hour Fire Zone
A 24 Hour Fire zone is always ready to trigger the horn speaker, bell and strobe regardless of whether the system is in the armed or disarmed state. A distinct fire sound is emitted through the horn speaker to indicate this type of alarm condition.
This fire sound is completely different to the burglary sound.
14 - Chime Zone (Follow Me)
A Chime zone is not a burglary zone. It can never sound the sirens or trigger the dialler. Its purpose is to map it to a programmable output for an indication of sealed or unsealed.
Chime zones require EOL resistors and they will register at a remote keypad. These zones do not effect the operation of forced arming.
15 - Zone Not Used
If a zone is not used, program it as a zone type of 15. This zone will never sound the sirens or trigger the dialler. An EOL resistor is not required if this zone type is used.